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Bomb Threat

Most bomb threats prove to be false alarms, but for safety's sake, they should be taken seriously.

The following procedures should be followed:

  • Remain calm. Gather information.
  • If possible, record the call.
  • Try to determine from the caller the location of the bomb and the time of detonation.
  • Listen for background noises that may help in identifying the area from which the call is coming. Listen to voice characteristics of the caller.
  • Write down all information.
  • Notify Peachtree Center Security at once (404) 654-1285 with a follow up call to Property Management (404) 524-3787.
  • A Telephone Procedures Bomb Threat Checklist is available by clicking the link.
  • Keep a lookout for strange or suspicious items. DO NOT TOUCH any suspicious items. DO NOT USE A CELL PHONE IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA of any suspicious item. Some bombs are set to detonate upon movement or cell phone activity.
If a Suspicious Package is found:
  • Notify security and property management immediately. Remain calm.
  • Do not use a cell phone or any type of radio anywhere near the item due to if item is a bomb device the use of these items could possibly set the device off.
  • Do not touch or disturb the item. Note the description of the item. Back away from the item.
  • Inform others to stay away.
  • Immediately observe your surroundings to see if anything is out of place or has been disturbed. Have others look at their surroundings and report any irregularities.
  • Report findings to security and property management as quickly as possible with updated information as it is made available.